Plant Based VegAnne!

For Health

Plant Based VegAnne!

For Planet

Plant Based VegAnne!

For Animals

Plant Based VegAnne

Saving animals one lifestyle choice at a time!

Chrome iPhone

Giving up meat for one month

According to Oxford University, going vegan is the single biggest way you can reduce your environmental impact on the planet.
Animals saved per month
LBs of harmful carbon dioxide emissions
SqFt of forest
gallons of water

6 of the top 10 leading causes of death are linked to nutrition

Statistics by each listed disease represent the total number of deaths annually as of April 27, 2016, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at

Heart Disease

614,348 Deaths


591,699 Deaths


136,053 Deaths

Death Icon

Alzheimer's Disease

93,541 Deaths


76,488 Deaths

Kidney Disease

48,196 Deaths

Meet Me

John Doe

Anne Shilling

Hi, I'm VegAnne! :)

Veggie eating
Animal loving
Yoga practicing
Meditation sitting
Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate - eCornell